Thursday, June 9, 2011


Job-hunting can be very hard on the nerves, especially if you have a little one to support and finances are tight. As my life verse is "take courage" I have learned that that means taking Jesus along when applying for jobs. He proceeds and follows me as His Word says but it helps me to consciously ask him to "come too!"

On one particular interview, I was applying for an office job, much like any other office job but I needed the money and it was what the Bible calls "good honest work" or so I thought. I was praying rather desperately as the employer tended to drone a bit and I finally had to say Amen, lest I miss what he was saying. To my delight, the manager was wrapping up in such a way that I knew I was about to be hired!

Inwardly Praising God and (in my mind), bouncing in my chair, I began saying "Lord, quick, Lord, I think I've got it and oh, thank-you" when I heard Him speak with an audible voice that whizzed by my left ear.

He said "ask him if He's running in the black." Needless to say I was stunned speechless, (a rare thing for me) but I was certain this thought was not one of mine. It was one thing to ask Him to come along but quite another to learn He was going to participate.

So what did I do? I ARGUED, saying things like "Lord, you know I can't do that, He's about to hire me and then He won't want to and it's too hard"and other spiritual giant words like that, as if He didn't understand my situation. I now recognize his long-suffering when again He spoke, saying the same thing "ASK HIM IF HE'S RUNNING IN THE BLACK." While this was going on, the employer began to tell me with a big smile that I had the job.

What a cacaphony of feelings all hit me then, panic and pleasure both together. To know you have the Lord's attention is a wonderful thing! Almost getting work is a wonderful thing and the panic at losing what you almost have in your hand is difficult when you have rent to pay. I knew that if this wasn't really the Lord, I could be celebrating my new job but instead I felt Him nudging once again to ask. Finally I decided I had better be obedient.

Taking a big gulp of air, I rather timidly said what I have never said to any employer before or since "excuse me sir, but are you running in the black?" Thus the die was cast and there was nothing to do but watch my new potential employer's face. I do recall he had vivid red hair and the fair complexion to go with it so what happened next would have made a dramatic video.

He commenced to blush all the way from the bottom of his neck up to cover his face and finally, even to reach the places where his hair got a bit sparse and the roots took on a fiery hue as well! More solemnly He said "well, as a matter of fact, no I don't" and just sat there looking at me, like the jig was up, it was now my move.

Aghast but convinced and relieved and even beginning to see a little humour in the situation, I told the red-faced man that I guessed we had nothing more to talk about and he quietly agreed. So off I went, in silent mode for at least 10 minutes till I could continue my heavenly conversation-- the time it took to get back to my car.

So what was my lesson? I never again went interviewing without knowing that my little scene was being played out before the One who loves me and knows all. I'd like to say I didn't argue with Him anymore but it seems to be my strange way of learning. Rejoice with me at his Patience and Power!

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